
This section presents my main research results in Journal, Conferences and workshop

  • J. Saraydaryan, Détection d’Anomalies Comportementales Appliquées à la Vision Globale, INSA-Lyon 2008


International Conferences

  • F. Jumel, J. Saraydaryan, R. Leber, L. Matignon, E. Lombardi, C. Wolf and O. Simonin,”Context Aware Robot Architecture, Application to the Robocup@Home Challenge”, RoboCup Symposium 2018

International Workshops

  • J. Saraydaryan,F. Jumel and O. Simonin,”Navigation in Human Flow: Planning with Adaptive Motion Grid”, Workshop IROS CrowdNav, 2018


National Journals

  • J. Saraydaryan, F. Jumel, O. Simonin, Patrouille Multi-Agent Dynamique, application Robotique pour le Service de Personnes Mobiles, RIA Revue d’Intelligence Artificielle, RIA 2017

International Conferences

  • F. Jumel, J. Saraydaryan, O. Simonin, Mapping likelihood of encountering humans: application to path planning in crowded environment ECMR 2017, Proccedings ECMR’2017, Paris.


International Journals

  • Loïc Sevrin, N. Noury, N. Abouchi, F. Jumel, B. Massot, J. Saraydaryan, Preliminary results on algorithms for multi-kinect trajectory fusion in a living lab, IRBM, Volume 36, Issue 6, November 2015, Pages 361-366

International Conferences

  • L. Sevrin, N. Noury, N. Abouchi, F. Jumel, B. Massot, J. Saraydaryan, A Data Fusion System to Study Synchronization in Social Activities, IEEE HealthCom 2016.

  • L. Sevrin, N. Noury, N. Abouchi, F. Jumel, B. Massot, J. Saraydaryan, Detection of collaborative activity with Kinect depth cameras (accepted for oral présentation), 38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, IEEE EMBC 2016.


  • J. Saraydaryan, F. Jumel, O. Simonin, Modeling human flows from robots perception : application to navigation in dynamic environment, On-line decision-making in multi-robot coordination, DEMUR, 2016.

National Conferences

  • J. Saraydaryan, F. Jumel, O. Simonin, Patrouille Multi-Agent Dynamique, application en Robotique au Service de Personnes Mobiles, Journées Francophones sur les Systèmes Multi-Agents, JFSMA, 2016


International Conferences

  • J. Saraydaryan, F. Jumel, O. Simonin, Robots Delivering Services to Moving People : Individual vs. Group Patrolling Strategies, ARSO 2015.

  • L. Sevrin, N. Noury, N. Abouchi, F. Jumel, B. Massot, J. Saraydaryan , A bio-inspired Living Lab as a robot exoskeleton, 17th International Conference on E-health Networking, Application& Services, Pages 552 – 556,IEEE HealthCom 2015.

  • L. Sevrin, N. Noury, N. Abouchi, F. Jumel, B. Massot, J. Saraydaryan , Characterization of a Multi-User Indoor Positioning System based on Low Cost Depth Vision (Kinect) for Monitoring Human Activity in a Smart Home, EMBC, 2015

  • L. Sevrin, N. Noury, N. Abouchi, F. Jumel, B. Massot, J. Saraydaryan , Preliminary results on algorithms for multi-kinect trajectory fusion in a living lab, IRBM 2015

National Conferences

  • A. Gréa, J. Saraydaryan, F. Jumel, A. Guenard, A Robotic and Automation Services Ontology, Architectures Logicielles pour la Robotique Autonome, les Systèmes Cyber-Physiques et les Systèmes Auto-Adaptables, CAR, 2015

  • L. Sevrin, N. Noury, N. Abouchi, F. Jumel, B. Massot, J. Saraydaryan, Location Tracking System in a Living Lab using Multi-Kinect Location Data Fusion, Colloque biennal “Recherche en Imagerie et Technologies pour la Santé”, RITS, 2015

Before 2015

International Journals

  • J. Saraydaryan, Fabrice Jumel, Adrien Guenard, ASTRO: Architecture of Services Toward Robotic Objects, IJCSI 2014.

  • J. Saraydaryan, F. Benali, S. Ubéda, Comprehensive Security Framework for Global Threats Analysis, IJCSI 2009.

Book Chapter

  • J. Saraydaryan, F. Benali and L. Paffumi, A Survey on new Thread and Countermeasures on Emerging Networks, Intrusion Detection Systems Book, Publisher: InTech 2011.

International Conferences

  • J. Saraydaryan, L. Paffumi, V. Legrand, S. Ubéda, Behavioral Intrusion Detection Indicators, SEC 2008.

  • J. Saraydaryan, V. Legrand, S. Ubéda, Evaluation of Deviating Alerts coming from Behavioural Intrusion Detection System, SECURWARE 2007.

International Francophone Conferences

  • J. Saraydaryan, V. Legrand, S. Ubéda, Modeling of Information System Correlated Events Time Dependencies, NOTERE 2008.

  • J. Saraydaryan, V. Legrand, S. Ubéda , Behavioral anomaly detection using bayesian modelization based on Global Vision of the System. NOTERE 2007.


  • J. Saraydaryan, V. Legrand, S. Ubéda, Détection d’Anomalies Comportementales Appliquées à la Vision Globale, Atelier ILO 2008.

  • P. Deussen and Co (J. Saraydaryan), A Discussion on Fundamental Approaches for the Engineering of Autonomic Systems, 2nd IEEE InternationalWorkshop on Modeling Autonomic Communications Environments, MACE 2007.

National Conferences

  • J. Saraydaryan, F.Benali, G. Jombart,V. Legrand, S. Ubéda, L’Apport d’une Ontologie pour la Sécurité des Systèmes d’Information. Journées Francophones sur les Ontologies, JFO 2008.

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